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Fall /Winter 2024-2025  


Pre-Registration members 
Registered for the Fall-Winter 2023-2024, new eligible family members can register at the same time
Aug 21 - 8:00 pm to Aug 28 - 2024 - 8:00 pm
General Registration*
New and former members registered for the previous Fall-Winter 2023-2024
Aug 29 - 7:30 pm to Sept 9, 2024 - 8:00 pm
Late Registration*
Sep 11  - 7:30 pm to Sep 30  - 8:00 pm
  • Registration for new members is not possible if the skater has achieved Badge 5 or higher. We do not have sufficient space to accept 2nd club registrations.
  • The account holder is responsible to provide copies of all updated information via email ( 48 houres BEFORE registration. (i.e. new account, new skater, updated carte loisirs)
  • The carte loisirs associated with the skater in the account must be valid until the end of the month of September 2024.  Please note that the registration system used by the club is not linked to the Carte Loisirs system managed by the borough of Saint Laurent.  We kindly request that the account holder send a copy of the updated carte loisirs to the club email : a minimum of 48 hours before registration to allow the volunteers to update the skaters file.
    Please note that if the updated card has not been submitted a minimun of 48 hours before the skater registers, we will not apply the reduced resident rate.
    Similarly if you are applying for the low income reduction, you will have to contact the borough of Saint Laurent to obtain the required documentation.  This documentation must also be submitted to the club a minimum of 48 hours before the skater registers.

Important registration information is provided below: Just click on the title to open the tab.

Overview registration process

  • The pre-registration period is strictly reserved for CPA Saint-Laurent members and their immediate family (brother, sister) who were registered for Fall-Winter 2023-2024 season and meet the CPA Saint-Laurent pre-registration criteria.
  • A new registration for the spring or summer season does not give any right to a priority registration for the fall-winter 2024-2025 season.
  • Skaters who have passed a STAR test are not eligible to register for CanSkate or adult courses.
  • Registration is completed online on the Saint-Laurent Figure Skating Club Uplifter platform.
  • Each member must create an account and submit updates on the platform at least 5 days before the registration period opens to obtain the registration discounts. The Club volunteers cannot guarantee that the required updates can be made in time when the registration period opens if the information is not provided on time.
  • The account holder is responsible to ensure that all updates are submitted by email to the club prior to registration. (CPA.STLAURENT@GMAIL.COM)
  • New Account?
    • Create an account on the website by clicking on "Login" and on "First Timer Registering?"
    • It is import to ensure that you have selected to receive all communications to ensure that you receive updates during the season. 
    • Place your curser on your name in the upper right hand corner.  A drop down list will appear.  Click on "My Account". 
    • Once you have logged on you will see a band and click on "skaters" and "+new skater" and add all the required information. If you are registering yourself as a skater, you can select this box. Note: The Skate Canada membership number is requested but it is not necessary to enter this information. If you know your number, you can insert the information, if not it will be populated by the club when we validate the information.
  • Updates?
    • The carte loisirs issued by the borough of Saint-Laurent must be valid until September 30, 2024. The club does not have access to the Saint Laurent borough renewal system.  The parent must sent a picture of the updated information to the club email prior to registration.
    • Addition of a new skater to an existing account.  You must send an email to the club to inform the volunteers of the addition.
  • Borough documents financial assistance ?
    • lf families are eligible for financial assistance for their skating lessons they  MUST forward a copy of the certificate to the club via email ( 3 days before registration. Please note that the financial assistance discount does not apply for the spring or summer sessions.
  • Registration and administrative fees are payable by credit card only.
  • No registrations will be accepted after October 1, 2024.
  • It is important to note that the minimum age required for CanSkate programs is 5 years on September 1, 2024.
  • Only skaters from CPA Saint Laurent can register in the STAR program, the skater must have obtained badge 5 in the CanSkate program.
  • For the Adult program, skaters must be 18 years of age or older.
  • The account holder is responsible for ensuring that all updates are submitted to the club prior to registration.

Registrations made without the required documents will not be discounted. In accordance with Borough policies, no adjustments will be made if documentation is not submitted on time. 

Cancellation, Credit, Reimbursement 

Registrations submitted without the required documents will not receive discounts. In accordance with Borough policies, no adjustments will be made if documentation is not submitted on time. 
A $5 administrative fee applies to changes requested within 24 hours of registration. An administrative fee of $10 will be applied to all session change requests or additions made after 24 hours of registration and the 1st session. Once the program has started, an administrative fee of $25 will be charged for any requests made to change a session per skater. Once the registration period has closed, no requests will be processed. 
The CPA has the right to cancel any registration that includes a false declaration: residence or the skater's abilities. (i.e. a skater with a STAR test who registers for a CanSkate, STAR Group Lesson or Adult session). A $25 fee will apply.
Make-ups, credits or refunds for missed classes (for any reason) are not possible due to scheduling and limits on registration numbers.
Cancellations and special events related to the arena's calendar cannot be credited, refunded or transferred to another session under any circumstances.
A skater may not substitute or replace a session for which he or she is registered with another session. Note: A skater may not substitute or replace a session for which he/she is registered by another session without paying an ice patch and only if the session is not full.
Administration fees" and "Skate Canada registration fees ($64) " are non-refundable and will be deducted from any refund request.
All requests for refunds must be sent by e-mail to The following information must be provided:
  • Name of skater;
  • Type of program (CanSkate, STAR, Adult)
  • Day and time of activity



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Link : Registration Policy

Link to Registration Fees

Options: Group Classes - Canskate, Adult Private - Badge 5 and higher, Development

Patinage Plus - CanSkate : Skate Canada Learn to Skate Progam. Badge 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. 

Mandatory equipment not included in registration fee:
Skates: Participants must purchase their skates. Skates must be in good condition and provide adjustment possibilities. Laces must be adjustable and not be too long that they drape on the skate. Compression straps or velcro straps are not acceptable. Note: Brands such as "Oxelo" sold by Decathelon nor "VIC" are not suited for figure skating lessons.
Club uniform: All skaters registered in CanSkate must wear the club uniform. 
Hockey Helmet: All skaters including adults must wear a certified CAN3-Z262.1 or CAN/CSA-Z262.1 hockey helmt until they have obtained Badge 5.. 

Adult : Skills : Learn to Skate, Badge 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Advanced adult 

Development : Skaters are selected based on the current season criteria. Available on invitation.

CanSkate in Lesson: It is possible to supplement the CanSkate program by registering for a private/semi-private lesson. The registration fee only covers the cost of the ice time: Resident $35, non-Resident: $50.

Please note that you must book your coach BEFORE registering. Changes made to a registration will result in administrative charges. The coaches fees are paid directly paid to the coach. You must add your CanSkate sesson BEFORE add the CanSkate in Lesson session.

Patinage Plus - 5 ans et plus  / Adultes (Cours de groupe)

Criteria Class Sessions

Never skated in a CanSkate session

Note : The pre-school skating programme (3-5 years) is offered by the borough of Saint Laurent.

Skaters 5-17 years - PP 0-1-2



Skaters 18 + years - Adult Group Lesson

Saturday: 11:45 -12:35 pm Saturday : 12:40 - 13:30 pm Sunday :  09:15 - 10:05 Sunday : 10:10  - 10:50 am Tuesday: 16:50- 17:40 pm 

Friday: 19:55 - 20:55 pm

Has previously followed a CanSkate or Adult group Lesson

Note: Has not passed badge 6 or a STAR test



Skaters 5-17 with less than Badge 3 CS 0-1-2 


Saturday: 11:45 -12:35 pm Saturday : 12:40 - 13:30 pm Sunday :  09:15 - 10:05 Sunday : 10:10  - 10:50 am Tuesday: 16:50- 17:40 pm  

Skaters 5-17 with Badge 3 and higher CS 3-4-5

Saturday : 13:45 - 14:35 pm  Sunday : 11:05 - 11:55 pm Tuesday: 16:50- 17:40 pm

Skaters 18 years + -Adult Group Lesson

Friday: 19:55 - 20:55 pm

The minimum age to register for the CanSkate course for the Fall-Winter 2024-2025 session is 5 years old as of September 30, 2024. 
Uniforms are MANDATORY for all CanSkaters (not included in registration fees). Uniforms can be purchased at the club office. Please bring your child with you when purchasing the uniform.
  • Girls : skirt / navy blue pants (no logo) ($30), beige tights ($20) and club sweatshirt  ($30) discount $5 skirt kit
  • Boys : club sweatshirt ($30) ; navy blue pants (no logo) no jeans ($30)
CSA-approved field hockey helmet mandatory for all skaters (including adults) until they obtain the 5 badge.
Skates must be in good condition and fit properly. Laces must be securely fastened and laces properly tied. Skates with Velcro fasteners and plastic buckles are not accepted.
Blade guards
Gloves - please wash after each lesson
PP in lesson: It is possible to add another session. Price for ice fees only: resident $35, non-resident $50. Please note that you must book your coach for this session prior to registering. Coach fees are extra and paid directly to the coach. You must add your Group session to the basket first.


Additional private lesson for skaters registered in CanSkate or Adult. Registration includes ice time only.  Lesson fees are payable to the coach you have hired. List of coaches


DURÉE en min

Type de Cours SESSION
Dimanche / Sunday
12h10 - 13h10 60 P 24A-PPLECON1 - DIM/SUN PP en leçon - CS in Lesson
Mardi / Tuesday
17h50 - 18h45 55 P 24A-PPLECON2 - MAR/TUE PP en leçon - CS in Lesson
Mercredi / Wednesday
17h05 - 17h55 50 P 24A-PPLECON3 - MER/WED PPlus/ - CS/ in Lesson
17h05 - 17h55 50 P 24A-ADULTELECON - MER/WED PPlus/ - CS/ in Lesson
Vendredi / Friday B 15h05 - 15h50 45 P 24A-PPLECON4 - VEN/FRI PPlus/ - CS/ in Lesson
Samedi / Saturday
14h45 - 15h35 50 P 24A-PPLECON5 - SAM/SAT PPlus/ - CS/ in Lesson

Figure skates are mandatory for private lessons. If selected for development, figure skates are also required. With the right equipment, the child will be able to learn and correctly execute figure skating movements.

Private - Badge 5 et plus

PRIVATE: Make sure you have made arrangements with the coach of your choice and have confirmed your choice of sessions BEFORE registering for private lessons. Lesson fees are paid directly to the trainer. To be part of the private group, you must register for a minimum of 1 private session and one STAR group lesson. 


Criteria Groups


PRIVATE OPTION 1 - 100% private. (Badge 5 and higher).

Must be followed by a coach. List of coaches

Registration Fee for Ice Time

The parents and skaters make their selection and make arrangements with their coach. The lesson time is paid directly to the coach. A minimum registration consists of 2 session on 2 different days.



JUNIOR: Badge 5 and higher

INTER 1: STAR 3 FS (Program+Elements) and STAR 3 in dance or skills 

INTER 2: STAR 5 FS (Program+Elements) and STAR 3 in dance or skills 

SENIOR: STAR 8 FS passed (Program + Elements) and STAR 5 in dance or skills

PRIVATE OPTION 2 - STAR Group class + a minimum of one private (Badge 5 passed and higher)

Must hire a coach to follow the progression of the skater.  List of coaches

Minimum 1 private + 1 STAR Group class

STAR Group class includes ice fee and coaches fee.


STAR group class plus

JUNIOR: Badge 5 and higher

INTER 1: STAR 3 FS (Program+Elements) and STAR 3 in dance or skills 

INTER 2: STAR 5 FS (Program+Elements) and STAR 3 in dance or skills 

SENIOR: STAR 8 FS passed (Program + Elements) and STAR 5 in dance or skills




The Development program is part of Skate Canada's "Learn to Skate" program, and prepares skaters for their future development within our sport.
At this stage, coaches teach many fundamental movement skills and encourage participants to have fun and execute movements on the ice.
Our program is designed not only to instill good skating fundamentals, but also to stimulate enough interest to keep participants skating for the rest of their lives.
It's an excellent transition to the STAR Club program, with small-group technical workshops taught by a coach.
This program is additional to group classes on weekends, so your child will skate one more time per week.
Criteria :
  • Good group work ethic (mandatory)
  • Enjoy skating (mandatory)
  • Age criteria
General objectives :
  • Instill a love of figure skating.
  • Create an active and enjoyable learning environment that motivates skaters and stimulates their athletic and personal development, appropriate for this particular stage.
  • Develop fundamental movement skills on the ice (moving, stopping, turning, jumping, spinning).
  • Introduce participants to motor skills (agility, balance, coordination, speed, rhythm, spatial and temporal orientation, dexterity, hand-eye coordination, etc.).
  • Develop self-confidence, concentration and a positive attitude.
  • Introduce skaters to ancillary activities (warm-up, hydration, cool-down, stretching, etc.)
  • On-ice and off-ice sessions.
Day Code Session
Sunday 24-PPDEV1 14:05 - 14:25 (On Ice) 14:30 - 15:10 (Off-Ice)
Thursday 24-PPDEV2 17:55 - 18:25 (On Ice) 18:30 - 19:00 (Off-Ice)
Thursday 24-STARDev 1 16:20 - 16:50 (Off ice) 16:55 - 17:55 (On Ice)
Saturday 24-STARDev 2 15:20-15:30 (Off ice)  / 15:35-16:25 (On ice) /16:30-17:00 (Off ice)
Saturday 24-PPDEV1 15:00 - 15:30 (Off ice) 15:35 - 16:05 (On ice)
Our club is a non-profit organization run by volunteers who ensure the club is managed in accordance with the regulations and policies of Skate Canada
You are responsible to provide copies of all updated information via email ( 48 houres BEFORE registration:
  • Borough issued documents for Low-income families wishing to benefit from a discount. (Fall-Winter session only)
The Saint Laurent issued Carte Loisirs is mandatory for the creation and update of any skater account. The Saint Laurent borough carte loisir system is not linked to the club registration system. Parents must submit a copy of any update to the club a minimum of 48 hours prior to the registration. Registrations which have been completed without providing the mandatory documents and a confirmation of the account update will not receive the associated discounts. In accordance with the borough policies, no adjustments will be issued once the registration has been finalized by the account holder.