NTER 1: Skaters who have obtained their STAR 3 FS (Program+Elements) and STAR 3 in dance or skills can register in this category.
INTER 2: Skaters who have obtained their STAR 5 FS (Program+Elements STAR 3 in dance or skills can register in this category.
Skaters skate on "Private Ice". The registration fee includes only the ice time fee. Skaters are responsible for hiring their coach and for paying for their lesson time.
Skaters must confirm their schedule with their coach BEFORE registering for a session as the coach may already be fully booked. An administration fee will apply to any changes made once the registration is finalized.
DURÉE en min |
Type de Cours | SESSION |
Dimanche/Sunday |
A |
12h15 - 13h15 | 60 | P | 24A-INTERSENIORMIX1 - DIM/SUN STAR INTER1,2, SENIOR |
13h15 - 14h05 | 50 | G | 24A-STAR1 - DIM/SUN Cours de groupe STAR / STAR Group Lesson | ||
Lundi/Monday |
B |
19h10 - 20h00 | 50 | P | 24A-INTER_MIX1 - Travaille sur STAR 4-5-6 |
20h10 - 21h10 | 60 | P | 24A-Inter2_Senior1 - STAR 6-OR (reussi) | ||
Mardi / Tuesday |
B |
18h45 -19h40 | 55 | P | 24A-INTER_MIX2 - MAR/TUE STAR 3-4-5 (Inter1/Inter2) |
19h50 - 20h55 | 65 | P | 24-Inter2_Senior2 - MAR/TUE STAR 6 - OR (Inter2/Senior) | ||
Mercredi / Wednesday | B |
17h25 - 18h10 | 45 | G | 24A-STAR2 - MER/WED Cours de groupe STAR / STAR Group Lesson |
18h10 - 18h55 | 45 | P | 24A-TOUS1 - MER/WED STAR Tous (Jr/Int1/Int2/Sr) | ||
Mercredi / Wednesday |
A |
17h05 - 17h55 | 50 | P | 24A-TOUS2 - MER/WED STAR Tous (Jr/Int1/Int2/Sr) |
18h05 - 19h15 | 70 | P | 24A-INTER_MIX3 - MER/WED Travaille sur STAR 4-5-6 | ||
19h15 - 20h25 | 70 | P | 24A-Inter2_Senior3 - MER/WED STAR 6-OR (reussi) | ||
Jeudi/Thursday |
B |
16h05 - 16h55 | 50 | G | 24A-STAR3 - JEU/THUR Cours de groupe STAR / STAR Group Lesson |
16h05 - 16h55 | 50 | P | 24A-TOUS3 - JEU/THUR STAR Tous (STAR 0-10+ OR) | ||
Jeudi / Thursday | CEGEP | 18h00 - 18h50 | 50 | P | 24A-JR_INTER_MIX1 - JEU/THUR STAR 0-1-2-3-4-5 (Jr/Int1/Int2) |
18h50 - 19h40 | 50 | P | 24A-TOUS4 - STAR 0-10 + OR | ||
20h00 - 20h55 | 55 | P | 24A-Inter2_Senior4 - STAR 6-OR (reussi) | ||
Vendredi / Friday |
B |
15h05 - 15h50 | 45 | P | 24A-TOUS5 - VEN/FRI STAR 0-10 + OR |
15h50 - 16h50 | 60 | P | 24A-TOUS6 - VEN/FRI STAR 0-10 + OR | ||
17h55 - 18h50 | 55 | P | 24A-INTER_MIX4 - VEN/FRI STAR Travaille sur STAR 4-5-6 | ||
18h50 - 19h45 | 55 | P | 24A-Inter2_Senior5 - VEN/FRI STAR 6 - OR (Inter2/Senior) | ||
Samedi / Saturday | A | 14h45 - 15h35 | 50 | G | 24A-STAR4 - SAM/SAT Cours de groupe STAR / STAR Group Lesson |
Samedi / Saturday |
B |
16h05 - 17h05 | 60 | P | 24A-Inter2_Senior6 - SAM/SAT STAR 6 - OR (réussi) |
17h05 - 18h00 | 55 | P | 24A-INTER_MIX5 - SAM/SAT Travaille sur STAR 4-5-6 (Inter1/Inter2) |

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