AGA 2022
posted May 8, 2022, 2:41 PM
Annual General Assembly 2022
Notice - virtual / on line
The end of the 2021-2022 season for CPA Saint Laurent will conclude with the Annual General Assembly which will be held Wednesday June 8, 2022 at 7:30 pm virtually/online. Details will be confirmed shortly.
You will find below link to the board positions for the 2022 - 2023 season, the election procedures as well as the nomination process . All nomination submissions must be received by the President of Elections, CPA Saint - Laurent,, by June 3rd, 2022 5:00 pm. Nominations received after 5 pm June 3rd, 2022 will be refused. Nominations must be accepted and signed.
All associate members of the CPA Saint-Laurent of legal age have the right to vote. As per the CPA Saint-Laurent general rules, parents of minor aged skaters are considered to be active members and can vote on behalf of their child. Active members can vote only once for each position. The right to vote is not cumulative regardless of the position or office held within the club. Active members must present proof of identity to have the right to vote.
We look forward to your presence on June 8, 2022. Your participation is testament to your interest in the activities of the club.
CPA Saint Laurent